Home New Azure Service Retirement Workbook from Microsoft

New Azure Service Retirement Workbook from Microsoft

Microsoft regularly releases new features and services in Azure. This is the evergreen nature of the cloud however they also retire services which is where infrastructure lifecycle management comes into play. Some new releases never make it out of preview and some services become legacy and get retired. A good example is a lot of the Azure classic services which were introduced when Azure was called Windows Azure.

Microsoft has released a neat little workbook that provides a central view of service retirements across Azure and specifically which resources in your subscriptions may be impacted to make it easier for customers to track these retirements. Previously we had to rely on Azure Advisor and checking the Microsoft update blog.

Here is how you can view this in your Azure tenant.

Step 1 - Navigate to the Azure workbooks Gallery and select the Service Retirement workbook

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Now you should be able to see a list of services that may be impacted across your subscriptions. I have also enabled auto refresh and set the frequency to daily.

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In the list above you can see I only have one resource that is affected and this is my public IP addresses with a basic SKU. Something Microsoft is retiring so only standard SKU will be available going forward.

You can also filter the view to show all retirements rather than a list of just retirements where resources in your subscriptions may be impacted.

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Additionally, you can open a up a link for each retirement which will take you to the Microsoft Docs so you can find more details and remediation guidance.

Do note that the workbook is in public preview so not all services that are retiring are listed. Microsoft will be expanding on these in the future and hopefully this will make it to GA.

Pretty cool. Hopefully something you can leverage in your environment.

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