Martin Lakov

Running Azure Functions on Azure Container Apps

Service Overview Microsoft recently announced the ability to run Azure Functions on Azure Container Apps (in preview). This is a big improvement over the current serverless option for Azure Functi...

New Azure Service Retirement Workbook from Microsoft

Microsoft regularly releases new features and services in Azure. This is the evergreen nature of the cloud however they also retire services which is where infrastructure lifecycle management comes...

Convert ARM Template to Bicep using VS Code Extension

Introduction Microsoft has just announced a new enhancement to their Bicep extension for Visual Studio code and I thought I would share this with the wider community. Many of us have been working...

Adding linting, validation and what-if to Bicep templates in Azure DevOps

We are picking up from my last post where I walked through automating Bicep template deployments through Azure DevOps so if you haven’t caught up here is a link The pipeline we set up in the previ...

Deploying Bicep Template using Azure DevOps

In this short post we are going to look at automating the deployment of a Bicep template using Azure DevOps. Additionally, we are going to look at how you can convert an ARM template to Bicep. You...

Microsoft Defender for DevOps (Preview)

Microsoft recently announced the new Defender for DevOps which is an extension built in directly into Microsoft Defender for Cloud now allowing you to monitor and manage security across a number of...

Create Azure AD groups in bulk using PowerShell with a CSV input

I recently had to replicate an Azure AD group structure from one tenant to another and wrote a super simple script to speed things up. Set up PowerShell Firstly you will need to install the Azure...

Containerising a simple JavaScript application using Docker - Part 1

Introduction In this tutorial we are going to be taking a simple Javascript application (source code taken from Docker) and running it in a container using Docker. This is the first of a series o...

Azure Load Testing (PaaS) using Apache JMeter

Overview Azure Load Testing is a new managed load testing service from Microsoft (currently in preview) that lets you simulate volumes of traffic to your website regardless of where you are hosting...

Deploy Azure DevOps Self-Hosted Build Agents on Kubernetes (AKS) and scale them using KEDA

Overview KEDA is an event driven autoscaler for Kubernetes that allows you to scale containers based on events. It is a lightweight single purpose component that can be added to any Kubernetes cl...